Personal Emergency Response System: Lifeline

To find out more about Lifeline, click here
To watch a Lifeline video, click here:
How Lifeline Works
When the Lifeline transmitter is activated, a trained professional operator contacts the subscriber immediately to determine what kind of assistance is needed. The operator contacts a designated local responder and, if needed, dispatches ambulance, police or fire department personnel to help. A family contact is also notified.
Cost of the Personal Emergency Response System
Standard Lifeline service is $29.99 per month, or about $1 a day. An advanced fall detection system is an additional $13 per month. There are no other hidden fees or long term contracts. Visiting Nurse Home & Hospice is a local provider of Phillips Lifeline®. For more information, contact Judy Leduc at 401-682-2100 ext. 1642. Donors who would like to “Adopt a Lifeline” to donate a yearly Lifeline system for one individual who cannot otherwise afford it may make a dedicated gift of $444 to Visiting Nurse Home & Hospice, Lifeline program.